About these Bibliographies

These two bibliographies will be continually expanded and revised. They will soon also be included in a searchable database.

We encourage our users to self-report their own publications that do not appear in these bibliographies and to bring any other omissions to our attention.

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COMPREHENSIVE SOURCES OF COMEDIAS SUELTAS. This list includes bibliographies, checklists, and indexes as well as catalogs from Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, England, Canada, and the United States. Catalogs of comedias in US libraries are also included in a separate page, under “LISTS” in the menu above.

STUDIES RELATED SPECIFICALLY TO COMEDIAS SUELTAS. This is a selective and narrowly focused bibliography of materials related to suelta studies. It does not reproduce the vast area of drama that once appeared in the Bulletin of the Comediantes or that continues to be gathered in the MLA Bibliography.